Keith enjoying a recent Zoom call with Members all over the world!
Looking for more Zatara in your life? You’re in the right place! Sign up as a Z-Crew member and your $10 monthly donation will support our movie-making adventures and help us to stay up to date with filming gear and camera equipment. In addition to bragging rights, each member gets:
ACCESS TO OUR MEMBERS ONLY FACEBOOK GROUP so we can chat and cheer and cuss and discuss; and Keith can share his unfiltered views on all things inappropriate or controversial. (I’ll try to keep him reigned in tho ;-)
ACCESS TO OUR PREDICTWIND TRACKING MAP so you can keep up with exactly where we’re at in real time.
EARLY VIEWING on weekly videos: We will give you early access to our THURSDAY videos from Monday through Wednesday night. This might change if we aren’t in a place with good internet, or if I get behind on uploading; but I am usually 2-3 weeks ahead of schedule.✌️
We will work to continue providing members an exclusive place to share and discuss your sailing dreams and struggles!
Monthly subscription is $10 USD, automatically recurring once a month. Get two months free when signing up for an annual subscription. Cancel at any time; no refunds on prior membership fees. We reserve the right to add and remove any features and/or accesses at any time without notice, but we will alert you of any changes beforehand.